Scholarships for High School Seniors
Each Year the Rotary Club of Port St Lucie makes available two $1,500 scholarships for deserving high school seniors who reside in Port St Lucie through the St Lucie County Schools Scholarship Guide. In addition, also for a Port St Lucie high school seniors, the Dr. Benemerito Memorial Health Sciences Scholarship for $1,500 and Bill Shearer Memorial City Employee Relative Scholarship for $1,000 are also available using the school board application form.
International Scholarships
In partnership with the Olive Tree Foundation for Education the Rotary Club of Port St Lucie assists in providing education scholarships to students in Peru and Haiti. The Olive Tree Foundation through its founders, Rotarians Dr. William Olivos and Susan Olivos, husband and wife, provide funds for students studying in the areas of optometry, nursing, teaching and psychology in the mountainous communities in Peru. The goal is to educate the locals who will then remain in and serve their own community's needs.
Word Power Project
Since 2002 the Rotary Club of Port St Lucie has been providing Student Dictionaries to every 3rd grade students in Port St Lucie Schools each year. A label containing sponsor logos and the Rotary 4-way-test is affixed to the inside cover of each dictionary. Rotarians then hand deliver and present a dictionary personally to each student. To date we have distributed over 35,000 Student Dictionaries. If you would like to become a participating sponsor, "Click Here" to contact us using the contact form.